Friday, June 15, 2012


I have been running into many devotionals on comparing ourselves with others. Needless to say, it's been on my mind. While mulling over the always troublesome issue, I have realized a slightly different perspective...

I have many friends that are very talented in many different areas. Some may be extremely crafty or amazing at cooking and baking. The list can go on and on. So I may wish that I were as talented in these areas or in others. But I have come to the realization that those things are simply not the things I'm most interested in currently. Why am I comparing myself or talking down to myself in these areas when my interests lie elsewhere? My interests don't lie heavily on crafts, cooking/baking, hair and makeup or clothes (these are some of the things I've wished I were better at). They lie in Bible study, preparation to counsel woman, teaching God's Word and speaking. Not that I am any type of a super spiritual person...these are just some of the things that God has put on my heart. 

What are your interests? What has God put on your heart? What are some of the things you wish you were better at and now realize you're not as good at something as someone else simply because you're not as interested as they are? God has given us our own unique gifts and has given you you're own interests to pursue for His glory and purpose. 

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:9


  1. Funny this is where I found myself not that long ago. I would love to be crafty and creative, however that is not (by any means) how God made me. I have learned to not try to fit into the mold of what others are doing, but more of what God wants me to do. And the more you ground yourself in what God wants for you, the less what everyone else around you is doing matters. I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I am happy where I am at. I am discovering the talents which God has built within me, even though they seem to be different than many of the women around me. I have learned that it's ok to be is just the way God created me. :)

  2. I tried to leave you a comment the other day but somethings wrong with my iPhone.. Anyways, I LOVE this!!! For real. I needed this. Cannot wait to read more from you! :D
