Saturday, June 30, 2012

You Are Treasured

I don't know about you, but I look for worth in all the wrong places. This is a constant struggle for me. I get to a point where I start believing Satan's lies. He gets me to believe things like all of my friends have friends that they're closer to, so I'm not good enough. Or looking to do something specific in my job and consistently not getting to do it, so I'm not good enough. I devalue myself and forget what God thinks of me.

Last September, I was involved in Secret Prayer Sisters (SPS). I had a woman who I prayed for and encouraged consistently for 6 months and another woman did the same for me. My SPS gave me an amazing gift that reminds me of my worth to God. It was a beautiful locket that was made just for me and inside it says "fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14).

We are "fearfully and wonderfully made"!! The New Living Translation describes us as "wonderfully complex"!! I cling to that and go head to head with Satan. I decided I wanted more ammunition to hurl and I wanted more reminders that I'm treasured. As I researched, I was reminded in James that every good and perfect gift comes from God (1:17). Every beautiful sunset I see or skill/talent that He has instilled in me is a gift. He gives us the gift of life! He has made sure that my body has been able to breathe every single day of my life! I am treasured by Him!! In Psalms, I am reminded that God loves us deeply as a Father (103:13). He doesn't love me based on how many friends I have or don't have. Not even by what I'm good at. He simply loves me because I'm His child. God has prepared amazing things for those who love Him (1 Cor 2:9). Only He knows what they are until He reveals them to you. But all of His plans are special!

There are many more ways that God shows us that we are treasured. I encourage you to look through your Bible and find some on your own. Don't let Satan win and keep thinking that you aren't worth it or not good enough.   You are treasured!!

"'For I know the plans I have for you',declares the Lord,'plans to prosper you, plans to give you a hope and a future'" Jeremiah 29:11

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, and wonderful blog you have written! thank you for the inspiration.

